We respect the military

The Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has long since turned from a professional holiday into a truly national one. Therefore, it is celebrated not only by the military. On the eve of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, students of grades 7-11 gathered for a military-patriotic holiday “Oh well, guys!”, which was held, in connection with the pandemic, separately by class. Teams competed in various types of sports and military exercises: lifting weights (24 kg), arm wrestling, equipping a Kalashnikov rifle magazine, pulling in pairs, squeezing in a supine position, wearing a gas mask, pulling legs on the crossbar, holding the “angle” in the axis of the legs crossbeams. The events were initiated by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the school self-government and physical education teachers Verbytskyi S.V., Dikhtiarenko O.V., Nechyporenko S.O. and Shkeliberda O.V.
The whole school family sincerely congratulates the community and the military on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, wishes a peaceful sky over their heads, harmony and unity.