Explanation of the end of the school year

The school year is coming to an end. Accordingly, the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine№1 \ 9-213 from 16.04.2020 and the decision of the pedagogical council of the school (Minutes №9 from 28.04.2020) 2019-2020 academic year ends on 29.05.2020.
Formative, final assessment is used for primary school students. In grades 1-2 we do not give points, but fill in a certificate of achievement.
Semester assessment for students in grades 3-4 and 5-11 should be based on face-to-face training prior to the implementation of quarantine restrictions and assessments obtained during distance learning.
The annual assessment will be based on two assessments per semester.
Final grades in physical education, labor training, music, fine arts will be based on the results of the first semester and taking into account the grades received by March 12.
The educational process will end remotely. Classes for students will last until the end of May. The evaluation will be carried out through the Oshkola.
Dear parents!
Thank you for becoming our partners in setting up distance learning, for being able to provide children with the necessary tools for learning in quarantine in a short time, for supporting us in such an unusual educational situation.
The history of mass distance learning in quarantine is not over. A whole month of training is ahead. We ask you, dear parents, to promote the best possible distance learning of your children, using any means of communication, because what will be the end of this school year depends entirely on the coherence of our joint actions, wisdom and endurance.
Be healthy! Rejoice in the success of your children!