Fire Security


Representatives of the SES and the Department of Education and Humanitarian Policy of the Cherkasy City Council today came to the school for a test. A. Hyzhniak, Head of Cherkasy City Emergency Department of the State Service of Ukraine for Emergency Situations in Cherkasy Region, Chief Inspector of Cherkasy City Emergency Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine V. Semynog and engineer-specialist for safety of the centralized service group of the department O. Orel reviewed the state of the fire department. During the inspection, representatives of the State Emergency Service paid attention to the state of the evacuation routes, serviceability of the electric power plant, provision of facilities with primary fire extinguishers. Special attention was paid to the efficiency of the existing fire protection systems, the complete set of fire-fighting equipment of fire shields, and the means of emergency notification. Officials also paid attention to informing the participants of the educational process about emergency response and emergency evacuation procedures in case of fire.
The inspection revealed a proper state of fire safety in the school.