Victory in chemistry


ІІ place in ІІІ (regional) stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad from chemistry student of 10А class Anna Inozemets extracted in a fight (teacher Budavitska S.V.). It is desirable to mark that a girl four years in succession is the winner of the municipal stage, and three – regional. It goes to show that she has high capabilities in chemistry and always insistently goes to victory. Second year Anna actively works in the Small academy of sciences where also has victories. Her work is “Efficiency of fuel caldron for heating of school and prospect of the use of ash as a mineral fertilizer” in the last year was marked Diploma of 2nd degree in city and ІІІ – in area of. In this year Anna already had 2nd place in the municipal stage of JAS and prepares to protect work of “Research of efficiency of processes of illumination of turbid and painted effluents at the use of different types of coagulants” at the level of area.
All school family sincerely welcomes Anna Inozemets and teacher of chemistry Svitlana Volodymyrivna Budavitska with the victory and wishes further success in scientific work.
