Research Camp “Explore the World”
This year, the research camp “Explore the World” began to work at school for the first time. In the 12 units of the camp, 110 students of grades 5-10 are resting and intensively studying. Working in teams, schoolchildren collect information, conduct experiments, and create thematic folders, applying knowledge in mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, history, literature.
Together with the teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature, the world literature students work on the projects “Prominent names on the map of our city” (head Barsukova L.M.), “Literature of Cherkasy region” (heasd Solomka O.M.), “Regional studies of Cherkasy region” (head Chernukha V.S.).
Together with the teachers of biology, ecology, physics and chemistry students solve combined problems of increased complexity (executives Sokyrka V.M. and Budavitska S.V.), prepare for the “Tournament of young biologists” (head Dovhal L.V.), make mugs on the themes “Drugs”, “The impact of mobile phones on health”, “Healthy lifestyle: harm or benefit?” (head Molodychuk A.M.).
Together with the teachers of mathematics, economics and computer science students develop the program “The personal environment of computer science” (head Prudenko V.V.) and traveled in absentia “Seven wonders of the ancient world” (leaders Prudenko V.V. and Didenko A.O.), investigate “Do I need math in human life?” (head Kononenko T.H.), study “Financial traditions of the Ukrainian people” (head Zasiadko L.V.).
We hope that a combination of recreation and scientific activities will be entertaining and cognitive for the students.