Charity Day

день благод

Today the whole world celebrates the International Charity Day. Well-does from all over the world will celebrate this holiday for the second time. It was established by the general Assembly UN in 2012. In our school volunteer club is working for nearly two years which organizes directly a lot of charity actions. Petrenko S.A., social teacher coordinates the work of the club. On 12 September it is planned to elect president of the club. During the last year volunteers gathered money, cloths, toys, office equipment for orphans, children with limited possibilities, took part in actions to render help to the Ukrainian soldiers. The volunteers plan to take part in campaign lasting for a month “All-Ukrainian action “Yellow Card”, the World Day of smiley, events dedicated to the international day of tolerance. This year Kulyk Denis, pupil of 11 form who recently came back from the USA and could share the  experience of the volunteers work in this country.

Ukrainians! Let each of us make 0n 5 September good deed which will help today or in future. Ukraine is charitable country. Let the world know about it.

We congratulate all of us with this holiday.