Our school has received one more letter from our pupil studying on FLEX program in the USA.


Good afternoon!

A lot of new things have happened in my life. I can tell you about many things but I’ll start from the fact that spring has come. Winter is already over and together with it winter trimester is over as well. At the beginning of spring I have changed my timetable for a new one with new subjects (introduction to Engineering and Design, Honors Biology, Honors Algebra 2, Literature topics in war, Writing in digital age). The very unusual thing is that that in each new trimester we have new subjects with absolutely new teachers and new pupils in the form but for me it is a good chance to receive new knowledge and to get acquainted with new people. In winter I was training together with school team in swimming, upon the whole the season was very successful; a lot of our swimmers took prize places in regional competition, but unfortunately we were not able to take part in final competition at the level of Minnesota State. To go in for sport in the USA is quite different from Ukraine. If you decided to go in for sport you should do it for 100% training 3 hours daily with one day off per week. Of course, it was very difficult but it was very exciting. Our team is wonderful, all are friendly and helpful. The last interesting fact about swimming at the end of the season before regional and state competitions all the participants should paint hair in white color. One of our team members even organized a party in his house for everybody to come and paint hair. May be this tradition seems to be strange but it was exciting!

I want to tell you about the conference with other exchange students in Vermont State. Personally for me it was one of the most interesting, productive weeks in my life. The conference took place in one of the local colleges of Vermont. Altogether 26 representatives from 16 countries of the world were present at the conference. Planning and program of the conference were on the high level. Every day from morning till noon we were present at various lectures of the best teachers of the college. Each afternoon we were working over our own projects. Together with me there was one girl from Ukraine. We were working together over each project comparing our views and plans. Every evening conference organizers planed for us “Cultural Activities”. Each participant of the conference remembered it for the whole life!

To sum up, I can tell you that it’s difficult to believe that nearly one year has passed and in 2 months I have to come back home. But at the same time, a lot of things happened in my life. The important vital experience, knowledge and ideas which I have achieved are difficult to put into words. Of course, I want to come back home because “East or west – home is best!”

Best wishes,
