Ecological Landing

фото 035

One of the pearls of our school is “An ecological valley:” Summer has come and the valley has flourished with the leafs of roses, chamomiles, peonies. The pupils, the teachers and the support staff made a lot of efforts for the valley to continue to gladden the eye of the inhabitants of our city. The ecological landing consisting of the pupils of 5-10 forms headed by Chubsa S.M. and Dovgal L.V., biology teachers, and class teachers planted the trees and bushes of emerald arborvitae, juniper “Blue rocket”, ball-like and ordinary box. Each morning the young ecologists water the valley, maintain good condition of grass, plant flowers. Within the last days we have seen marigolds, basil and lily.

We are grateful to the pupils, teachers, parents, support staff for the big job in landscape gardening of the school yard and hope that our school which recently obtained the status of “The school promoting a stable development” will remain as one of the leaders in ecological upbringing of the pupils.