Ukrainian Headscarf Day


For the third time, the female half of our school family took part in the world flashmob of Ukrainian women dedicated to the Ukrainian headscarf. This holiday was celebrated only two years ago at the initiative of a group of public figures, actors and successful women of Ukraine. The holiday was launched to unite women of different professions, ages and nationalities to preserve Ukrainian traditions. The headscarf is usually considered a symbol of affection, love, fidelity, forgiveness and sorrow. This constant accessory is part of the Ukrainian cultural heritage.
Today, every girl and woman had the opportunity to be photographed in a headscarf in any location of the school and post photos on social networks. Joyful and happy faces of real Ukrainian women look at us from these photos. There was even a boy in 1-B class, who came to school dressed in a suit based on a Ukrainian headscarf.
We invite everyone to join the World Flashmob of Ukrainian women today and post a photo in a headscarf on social networks.