
Mastering a new style of painting


Drawing is one of the most important components of schoolchildren’s education. It allows you to reveal creative abilities

Art master – classes from “Dereza”


Art and creativity are the most faithful companions of a good mood, rest and harmony.

Day of the favourite toy


On October 6, “Favourite Toy Day” was held at the elementary school on the initiative of third-graders.

World smile day


Everyone has heard that smiling is good. A smiling person looks younger and even lives longer.

The first steps of the young champion

Знімок екрана 2023-10-06 155416

The school has always been famous for its athletes and proud of their victories.

LOGO Inclusion. Tandem training – day two


Today, the training “LOGO Inclusion. Tandem training” is organized by the Cherkasy

LOGO Inclusion. Tandem training


The two-day training “LOGO Inclusion. Tandem training” is organized by the Cherkasy Department

(Українська) Інтерв’ю на радіо

Українське Радіо - Черкаси

The topic of the modern education system in Ukraine and the challenges of the war are relevant.

A lesson in kindness for World Animal Day


World Animal Protection Day is celebrated annually on October 4.

The first step in IT


10-B grade student Khotko Volodymyr successfully completed the EMolod