
“Books are a trainer for the mind!” 2-B class


#stayathome # interacting The school challenge is over. But how cool to read!

#Appreciate life, it is beautiful. Friendship is the most valuable treasure!

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#stayathome # interacting Friendship is one of the most important human feelings.

#Appreciate life, it is beautiful. Day of Kindness

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# stayathome # interacting Today we offer you to spend under the dwarf – “Day of kindness”.

Explanation of the end of the school year


The school year is coming to an end. Accordingly, the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine№1 \ 9-213 from 16.04.2020 and the decision of the pedagogical council of the school (Minutes №9 from 28.04.2020) 2019-2020 academic year ends on 29.05.2020.

#GenerousTuesdayNow has come!

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#stayathome #interacting Now it is more important than ever for us to unite everyone in order to feel that we are together!

#Appreciate life, it is beautiful


#stayathome #interacting Quarantine forces to live by unusual rules.

Together we can!


#stayathome #interacting We support doctors – a flash mob about medical workers.

Let’s stop bullying together!


#stayathome # interacting For the International Day against Bullying.