
Graduation from Business School


In the department of “Dnipro” Privatbank solemnly students of grades 7 and 9 were awarded certificates of graduate from business school and gifts.

With the native language to victory


The results of the second stage of Ukrainian Olympiad in Ukrainian language and literature are ready.

Help to ATO


Our school joined the campaign – “Draw picture, write greeting card, collect a package and welcome Ukraine defender with St. Nicholas Day and Christmas.”

Pages of Life of William Shakespeare


On the occasion of the memory of the great poet and playwright of the United Kingdom of Great Britain William Shakespeare in school were held a number of events.

The future of energy efficiency


Schoolgirls of 10B class Bilous Olha and Iryna Vovk attended the National Conference of students, members of JAS on energy efficiency.

Scales of Nemezida


In this academic year, the second stage of Ukrainian Olympiad in law became victorious for the school.

School of Energy 2.0


Coordinator of the “Energy School” in our school, physics teacher Sokyrka V.M. took part in the nationwide training project “School of Energy 2.0.”

Fighting corruption


Today, the world marks the International Anti-Corruption Day.

Bronze of Yefrem Datsyk


A pupil of class 6A Yefrem Datsyk won a bronze medal at the World Cup of Taekwondo.

And let’s do it, guys!


Dedicated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine 10-11 grade students collected military-sports festival “Let’s do it, guys!”.